
1 Oct 2016

Loving parents who care for 22-year-old huge brown bear who they adopted when he was just a tiny cub

These two loving parents provide more than just the bear necessities for their large and furry adopted son.
Jim and Susan Kowalczik care for 22-year-old Jimmy, a 1400lb Kodiak brown bear at their orphanage in New York state.
The couple now care for 11 bears , including Kodiak brown bears, Syrian bears and black bears on their 100 acre estate, where they have dedicated their lives to rescuing and releasing injured animals.
Most were rescued as cubs from breeding programs or nature reserves that closed down.
Jim said: “The bears are like our children. That’s how much we love them and they give a lot back to you too. They love you just as much.
“Our bear family is like every other family. You love them to death but then there are other times when they drive you nuts.
Jim and Susan began rescuing and rehabilitating bears more than 20 years ago but only formally opened it as the non-profit Orphaned Wildlife Centre in 2015.
The animals require full-time care and feeding, feasting on up to 30lbs of food a day - including a mix of meat, pet food, fruit and occasionally marshmallows as a treat.

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