The show originally ran for four years from 1997 to 2001, with the four oversized pals frolicking around their grassy bunker with Noo Noo the hoover and the inadvertently menacing sun baby to the delight of million of children across the world.
It's been 20 years since their multicolour gibberish became universally lauded, so we take a look back at what the characters have been up to since...
John Simmit, who wore the lime green costume, is now a successful stand up comedian - and seems understandably proud of his furry past, despite rumours he once kept his eh oh days hidden.
Woke, switched on TV on last morning in a foreign clime: this guy's on screen; wonder if this qualifies as a selfie— John Simmit (@JohnSimmit) August 30, 2015
Laa Laa
Tinky Winky
The second was dancer Simon Shelton, a ballet dancer.
“We used to receive a lot of fan mail from kids and parents. I suppose we were a bit like the Beatles or the Take That of children’s television."
And Simon's spoken out about Tinky Winky's sexual orientation. “People always ask me if Tinky Winky is gay" he adds. "But the character is supposed to be a three-year-old so the question is really quite silly.”
“I didn’t take the lesbian role to be deliberately controversial,” she later said.
“Yes I was Po. But I am an actress too and the role looked interesting, exciting and challenging.”
Pui is now a CBBC presenter, and hosts kids programme Show Me Show Me.
Sun Baby
Little Jess was scouted at her local hospital, and was paid £250 and a box of toys for her trouble.
“I was being weighed at the hospital,” Jess recently explained to BBC South East.
“My mum took me and it just happened to be the same time that the producer of the old series had come in and wanted the hospital to get in contact with them if they’d seen any smiley babies.
“It was just a case of sitting in front of a mirror and a camera and my dad playing with toys and race cars and that sort of thing to try and get me to laugh at the camera.”