
16 Aug 2016

The Bin Laden's bar where Rio 2016 athletes enjoy a drink once they have finished their events

Rio 2016 may be struggling with empty seats but one venue is proving popular - 'Bin Laden's bar'.
Athletes and officials are going there to unwind once they have finished their events.
And Brazilian owner Jose Felipe de Araujo, 60, known as Bin Laden because of his big beard, is posing with them for 'selfies'.
Argentines, Russians, Icelandics, Spanish and members of the Myanmar team have all celebrated the Olympics there. Jose runs the only bar open late near the Athlete's Village.
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And his nickname and lack of English has not put teams off having a few beers with Bin Laden.
"When they want something, they point, I point, and it all goes right somehow," he said.
Kim Tanskanen, a trainer for the USA gymnastics team, said: "He does look like him! But that's in the past. Bin Laden is dead.
"What matters is that the service is great. It's the first time I've tried caipirinha. It's good, I thought it was very sweet."
A Czech coach said: "It's friendlier here than in the Athlete's Village, and apart from anything, if I order a meal there it will take 10 times as long as it does here."
A plate of food at Bin Laden's costs only R$14 (less than £4). It's a 10 minute walk from the Athlete's Village and 'the party goes on until 2am'.

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