
23 Jan 2016

'Game of Thrones' Season 6 teasers highlight the clashing houses

HBO has debuted three new teasers for "Game of Thrones" season 6 via the show's official Twitter account and asked the viewers' to pledge their allegiances to the clashing houses in Westeros.

The videos show the shredded banners of House Stark, Lannister or Targaryen. They don't include actual footage from the show, but highlight the struggle of each house as they feature the voice of someone who has caused them the biggest problem so far, such as Ramsay Bolton and the High Sparrow.

"Game of Thrones" returns April 24 on HBO. Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) who wasn't featured in the fifth season is expected to have a bigger and crucial role in the new installment.

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