
16 Dec 2015

Transgender couple find love- set to have kids

Jasmine Merino and Ryan the transgender couple born the opposite sex to one another have found love after both being born the opposite sex.
Ryan, 24, has been living as a man for four years, and Jasmine, 18 started transitioning two years ago.
And despite not undergoing full gender reassignment surgery they say their sex life is great after learning to adapt.

Jasmine Merino and boyfriend Ryan Said say they are treated like any other couple and plan to marry and have kids some day.
Jasmine said: “Our relationship is perfect because we both know what it's like to be male and female so we totally understand each other and what we want.
“I like the fact that Ryan is transgender too because when I’m going through a rough time he understands me.
“He’s the one person I can count on because he knows what I go through.”

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