
16 Apr 2015

Orthodox Israeli website cuts Kim Kardashian out of photo..she symbolizes pornography

News media magnet Kim Kardashian experienced a major photo cut out when an Orthodox Israeli website decided to cover her famous face with a dinner receipt. Kikar HaShabbat website cut the reality TV star from the original photo that showed her, husband Kanye West, and Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat having a dinner at an undisclosed restaurant during their recent visit to the country. Besides blurring her face, the website wouldn't even refer to her by name in the article and instead mentioning her simply as Kanye's wife.
According to Nissim Ben Haim, an editor at the Kikar HaShabbat website, they removed Kim because they considered her as a "pornographic symbol" who contradicted ultra-Orthodox values. Furthermore, it was explained that "within the insular Ultra-Orthodox community, pictures of women often aren't shown out of modesty."
The Kikar HaShabbat website, additionally, took aim at the mayor for taking Kim and Kanye dining at a non-kosher restaurant. "Insensitive: Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and his wife last night hosted Kanye West and his wife, who are visiting Israel at a [non-kosher] restaurant in the capital without considering the majority of city residents who keep kosher," so read the article in English.

Kim and Kanye were in the country to have their daughter North being baptized at the Cathedral of Sts. James in the historic Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. During the visit, the celebrity couple took time to have dinner with Mayor Nir Barkat.

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