
29 Nov 2013

Woman Contracts Breast Cancer from Carrying a Cell Phone in Her Bra

Tiffany Franz, a Strasburg resident, York, Pennsylvania, was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was just 21 years old.
Tiffany eventually underwent a mastectomy to remove her left breast, and given her youth, her lack of genetic predispositions or risk factors for breast cancer, and the location of her tumors (roughly the area in which her cell phone was placed in contact with her breast), Tiffany and her family (and some doctors) have suggested that her carrying a cell phone in her bra, where it was pressed against the bare skin of her chest for six years, was the cause of her developing breast cancer at such an early age.

However, although some women who typically tote cell phones in their bras have developed breast cancer, there is as yet no hard evidence proving or disproving the notion that the connection between the two is anything more than coincidence.

Some doctors recommend that women not carry cell phones in brassieres, and cell phone manuals usually advise users to carry their phones some minimum distance (a half-inch or so) away from their bodies and avoid direct contact with the skin, but those are “better safe than sorry” precautionary measures and not warnings based on empirical evidence demonstrating a connection between cell phones and cancer.

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